Visit the Knit for Peace online shop
All of the proceeds from the sale of donated/handmade items, greeting cards, needle cases and bags goes toward supporting Knit for Peace and its delivery of warm knitting worldwide.
If you're looking for even more ways to support, we also have a raffle!
Click HERE to view what's in the raffle right now.
Otherwise, scroll to the bottom of the page to find ways to donate directly!
In order to cut down our environmental impact (and your postal costs) we are encouraging knitters to deliver their knitting locally where possible. We have compiled a list of charities that accept knitting (arranged geographically), which you can access below. We hope that as well as eliminating unnecessary double-deliveries, this will allow you to connect with projects in your community.
We will keep this list as up to date as possible, but please always check with the charity before delivering, in case the situation has changed. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to contact these charities on behalf of individual groups/knitters.
Directory of charities who might accept your knitting:
If there are no appropriate charities in your local area you are welcome to continue sending your items to us at Radius Works.

Donate your knitting to us
If you are unable to donate your knitting locally, you are welcome to send your items to us and we will distribute them to people in need across the UK. If you are sending to us please include a recording sheet so that we can let you know when your parcel has arrived.
All knitted donations can be sent to:
Knit for Peace, Radius Works, Back Lane, London, NW3 1HL.
Donate yarn and knitting supplies
Have you got any spare yarn that you won't be using? We are always on the look out for yarn donations as we can then use them in our work with marginalised sections of society, for example in prisons and women's refuges to help set up new groups and keep the needles clacking, or for sending to refugees arriving in the UK!
You can send any yarn donations to us at Knit for Peace, Radius Works, Back Lane, London, NW3 1HL. You are also welcome to come in person, between 10am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter and blog to keep up to date with our latest projects and campaigns, or find us on Facebook and Twitter for more regular updates.
Got any burning questions? Please check out our Knit for Peace F.A.Q. here.
Looking for your next project? Check out our free patterns here or take a peek at the offerings in our shop here.
Help support our work:
It costs a lot to send large quantities of yarn and needles around the UK to the knitting groups we support in women's refuges, prisons and care homes. If you can spare any funds to support this work, it would help greatly.
Click the button below to donate, perhaps even setting up a monthly donation of a few pounds to help support our work! Many thanks.
If you are a UK taxpayer please consider gift aiding your donation. Click here for a form and more information.
If you would like to donate by post, please make cheques payable to Charities Advisory Trust and send to Knit for Peace, Radius Works, Back Lane, London, NW3 1HL. (Knit for Peace is an initiative of the Charities Advisory Trust)