We accept all kinds of new knitted goods for babies, children and adults. Don’t feel that you must use one of the patterns here. We offer a selection of patterns, just in case you need some new ideas.
Please send your knitted items to Knit for Peace, Radius Works, Back Lane, London NW3 1HL for us to forward to the appropriate charity. I’m afraid we can’t pay for postage but if you club together with a group and send items weighing over 5 kilos it’s usually cheaper to arrange a courier.
Please also include a Knitted Goods Recording Sheet when you send in your donations so we know who has sent us what. You can see more patterns on our Designer page.
If you’d like to also help with the costs involved in Knit for Peace, please visit our shop (all proceeds support our distribution of warm knitting), or alternatively donate below!
Donate via PayPalBlanket Patterns
Recommended blanket sizes:
large (80×90”/200x230cm or 70×90”/180x230cm),
medium (60×70”/150x180cm or 50×70”/130x180cm),
baby blankets (24×32”/60x80cm or 24×24”/60x60cm),
lap blankets (45×45”/115x115cm)