July Newsletter 2020
Hello Knitters,
Hope everyone is enjoying their extra knitting time! Here at Knit for Peace the redoubtable Ria, is managing to respond to requests for knitting. She has sent knitting out to hospitals, community hubs and mental health charities. She is really doing a wonderful job. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic, we have had to restrict entry into our building, and this means fewer volunteers, but those who can travel avoiding public transport can be admitted one at a time.
We are responding to your requests for more raffles, and during the Covid-19 crisis will be running two a month, with proceeds going to our Covid-19 Appeal.
Raffle Winners
The winner of our June Raffle is Christine M from Dorchester, Dorset
The winner of our Special Covid-19 Raffle is Clare B from Louth, Lincolnshire
Congratulations to the lucky winners!
July Raffle
July raffle prize is a hot weather selection of refreshing, cool cotton yarns in bright colours.

Raffle in aid of the Abused Women campaign
The Special Raffle prize has beautiful quality silk and merino wool yarn in delicate, muted colours. All proceeds from this raffle go towards our Abused Women campaign.

Feedback from some of those who receive our knitting:
The feedback we get shows how valued Knit for Peace’s work is. And we couldn’t do it without you.
“We have more knitters in the group now and they are all enjoying learning and stitching at different levels, some self taught since being here, some still learning, and some experienced. They are busy making bears, cats and dogs at the moment.”
Women’s Prison which we supply with yarn and haberdashery
“My son + I have just moved to the area + come with bare minimums. My son has been sleeping in my bed as I have been unable to get bedding for him. I have picked up some bedding and blankets today which means my son + I will be able to sleep in our own beds and have our own place. Thank you x”

Feedback on Good Gifts Newsletter
We’re delighted with the response to our latest Good Gifts newsletter, which asked people to donate some money they had saved on haircuts so someone who can’t afford it could have a haircut, or the money saved on a manicure could give someone in a women’s refuge the beauty treatment of her choice. You can see the newsletter here.
It struck a chord with many people, who not only donated but took the trouble to commend us
“good marketing approach – reminding us what money has been saved in lockdown”
“thank you very much for the practical ways you help those in need”
“thank you for enabling us to help others.”
And even
“thanks for all your hard work”
So, thank you to everyone for the encouragement.
Knit for Peace Shop on Etsy
We have a range of items for sale on Etsy. You can find knitting patters, jewellery from the Museum Stores, silk sari material, Indian cotton bags and needle case holders, and twiddle muffs for sale there now. We add more items regularly so have a look by clicking here.
Knitting needed
We still have just Ria working part-time in the office, so we are requesting only the following knitting to be sent to us for the time being:
– large (80×90”/200x230cm or 70×90”/180x230cm),
– medium (60×70”/150x180cm or 50×70”/130x180cm),
– lap blankets (45×45”/115x115cm).
Adult jumpers and cardigans
Socks and mitts for adults and children
The blanket sizes are approximate, and for guidance only. We don’t need children’s clothing, baby hats and premature baby clothing at the moment as we have plenty of stock.
Lockdown Knits
What have you knitted during the lockdown? Please share some pictures of your knitting on Facebook, to delight and give inspiration to others.
Knit of the Day
Here is a selection of our recent Knits of the Day.