October Newsletter
Making the world a little warmer
Loads of knitting went out this month, partly because we feared we might drown under the parcels (40 a day!). With the approach of winter, warm clothes and blankets are really needed. We have sent knitting to refugees in Syria, Greece and Calais; to asylum seekers throughout the UK, elderly people living in poorly heated homes. We have also sent out baby clothes to NHS Maternity Hospitals and twiddlemuffs for dementia patients. Scarves and hats went to projects working with the homeless, and school cardigans for children for the start of the school year.
We were especially delighted to be able to provide a beautifully knitted christening gown for the baby of an Eritrean refugee couple who were in the Calais camp.
Our range of activities grow. Our courses, organised by Jane Crowfoot were fully booked and much enjoyed. Look out for the new series in 2017!
Thank you!
We have been asked by some of our knitters if we might sell their creations to raise funds to send items to Kurdistan and Syria. Dame Elisabeth Hoodless, an indefatigable volunteer, held a very successful sale, raising £1400. If you would like to host a sale, do contact us.
We are also really grateful to all the other individuals and groups who have either sent donations or raised funds to help us get the knitting where it is needed. We have had Gill Hope’s Knitting with My Bus Pass, Greta Palmer at the Sturmer Fayre (pictured here) and the many collections, raffles and sales donations we have received from all sorts of different groups and businesses.
We’d also like to thank all the designers and knitting and crochet experts who have given their time, patterns and support. And of course a big thank you to all our knitters and crocheters for the items they send in (as well as the wool and equipment).
Knitting ‘Cactus’ Gloves
We’d really like to send out gloves – and our Director, Dame Hilary Blume, has designed long fingerless mittens – very easy to knit in 4 ply sock wool.
You can find the pattern here
Knit Pro Designer Along
Over the last 6 weeks we have been running the first ever Knit-Pro Designer Along to raise funds for Knit for Peace. Working with a number of high profile designers and magazine editors 12 gorgeous blanket squares have been created for you to knit and crochet. They include designs by: Debbie Bliss, Arne and Carlos, Erika Knight, Jane Crowfoot, Lena Fedotova, Debbie Abrahams, Simply Knitting, Simply Crochet, Crochet Now, Inside Crochet and Let’s Knit.
All the individual patterns are now on the website and can be sent to you for a donation of £1 per pattern – or you can wait until 7th November when we will be releasing all the designs in an e-book (which will also be on sale from this page) with all the patterns plus ideas for blanket layouts using the squares and instructions for different borders.
We are very grateful to KnitPro for this generous project and to Juliet Bernard at Bluebear for her work in making it happen.
Knit for Peace Holidays
Only four more places left on our wonderful knitting holiday in India. Don’t miss out. In the gloom of the UK in January and February you’ll surely wish yourself in the sunshine of Mysore.
Dates: 21st January to 2nd February led by Sarah Hazell
Full details here or call 020 7794 9835
We also had a lovely article about this year’s holiday in The Knitter.
Knit for Peace Christmas Cards
These are some of our most popular cards – the one in the middle also comes without any message printed in it so you can use it all year round. See the full range here
Buy A gift and Support Knit for Peace
Did you know that you can support the work of Knit for Peace with a Good Gift this Christmas? The Good Gifts catalogue has several knitting related gifts and is run by our parent charity The Charities Advisory Trust. You can find knitting gifts here.