Sponsor a Sack

Thank you to everyone who helped us to send warm blankets and clothes to those in need at home and abroad.
The need is great so please sponsor a sack for just £12.
Sponsor a sack
Knitterly gifts in the new Good Gifts Catalogue
Provide warm clothes to those in need, help women set up knitting cooperatives to provide a livelihood, enable women in refugee camps to knit for themselves and others. Lots of ways to keep the world knitting. Click here to view all our knitterly gifts in the new Good Gifts Catalogue.
Knit for Peace Christmas Cards
We have a wonderful new range of Christmas cards for 2018, in aid of Knit for Peace. To see the complete selection visit Card Aid’s website.
Thank you for your knitting
We are always in need of adult scarves, mittens and jumpers and there is always demand for large blankets.

We don’t need neo-natal items at the moment and we have plenty of children hats.

“We have just taken delivery of lots of lovely items made by yourselves – already the clients are wearing gloves even though it is 18 degrees here. I just wanted to say thank you so much -everything is gratefully received and will keep the clients warm all winter.”
Homeless Shelter in Cornwall
“I am proud to send you a parcel with items knitted by our members here at the Beehive.
The Beehive – Restore is an Oxfordshire based mental health charity that supports people to take control of their recovery, develop skills and lead meaningful lives. We offer recovery groups, training and employment to make this possible. Members felt it was important to them and as part of their recovery process to think and do something for others less fortunate.”
Knit for Peace Holiday
There is one space left for our October knitting holiday in India led by Ann Kingstone. Don’t miss your chance and book your space here.
Come and Visit us
You’re welcome to come and visit us in our office in Hampstead,
see our work and the Knitting Room.