November Newsletter


Helping Fellow Knitters As the cold weather creeps in we are glad to be sending out warm blankets and clothing. Thank you Knitters.  As well as collecting and distributing donated knitting to those in need, we fund groups and individuals so they can set up knitting businesses in developing countries. Many are tied to their homes and cannot work full-time. Knitting can fit in with household and child care duties.…

October Newsletter


Making the world a little warmer Loads of knitting went out this month, partly because we feared we might drown under the parcels (40 a day!). With the approach of winter, warm clothes and blankets are really needed. We have sent knitting to refugees in Syria, Greece and Calais; to asylum seekers throughout the UK, elderly people living in poorly heated homes. We have also sent out baby clothes to…

August Newsletter


Knit what you like! Although we give suggestions as to what things are being particularly asked for, we find a home for everything. We know some of our older arthritic knitters like to knit smaller lighter items, like baby hats or matinee jackets, that is fine, knit what you enjoy knitting! Volunteering for Knit for Peace I learned about Knit for Peace early in January 2014, when visiting my son…



Dear Knitters, Thank you for your repeated efforts over the last few months. It has been absolutely wonderful to receive all your amazing knitting! We really appreciate all your help and know that those who benefit from your hard efforts do too. It is wonderful to have such dedicated knitters helping our work and we are proud to say that you are all a crucial part of our initiative. We…